We’ve been seeing many consumers complaining of their 2015 2016 2017 2018 GM Traverse with Transmission concerns. Some of the common issues are the transmission slipping, the gears not engaging, and when going into park to drive the gears not engaging. Below are some common diagnostic trouble codes related to the GM Traverse transmission and common transmission problems. If you come across these problems please contact the California Lemon Law Center to discuss your concerns with a qualified California Lemon Law lawyer so that they may best assist you throughout the process.
DTC Codes Related To Chevy Traverse Transmission Problems
List of DTC Codes for the Chevrolet Traverse:
- P0766 – Failed Shift Solenoid D – This DTC can be stored when there is a problem with a shift solenoid or the valve body.
- P2703 – Failed Friction Element D – This trouble code can be triggered by a failed friction element like a clutch disc.
- P0720 – Failed Input Speed Sensor or Output Speed Sensor – This trouble code is caused by a bad speed sensor on the transmission.
- P0730 – Incorrect Gear Ratio – This issue could be caused by a number of problems, including a fault in the transmission control module, dirty transmission fluid, or a bad transmission solenoid.
- P0657 – Voltage Problem in the ‘A’ Circuit – This transmission problem is often caused by a short, or bad ground on the PCM or PCM wiring harness.
- P0700 – Malfunction in the transmission control system – This DTC is often triggered when there is a problem with the TCM, a wiring harness, a solenoid, or the valve body.
- P0715 – Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Malfunction – This code typically gets stored when the input sensor cannot read the engine RPM, which can prevent the transmission from appropriately shifting gears.
- P0717 – Input/Turbine Speed Sensor No Signal – This trouble code is generated when the PCM does not get a signal from the input speed sensor, which will prevent the computer from being able to determine when the transmission needs to shift.
- P0791 – Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor ‘A’ Circuit – This error can occur when there is a problem with the intermediate shaft speed sensor, most likely due to a bad sensor, wiring problem, or a failed shift solenoid.
- P0793 – Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal – The computer will generate this DTC when it cannot communicate with the intermediate shaft speed sensor.
Common Problems with the Chevy Traverse Transmission:
- Lack of Response
- Leaking Fluid
- Low Fluid
- Burning Smell
- Grinding or Shaking
- Whining, Clunking or Humming
- Refuses to Go Into Gear
- Torque Converter Issues
- Valve Body Issues
- Transmission Noisy in Neutral
- Gears Slipping
- No 3rd or 4th Gear
- No 1st or 2nd Gear
- No Reverse
- Dragging Clutch
- Trouble Codes / Check Engine Light